Lost Technology

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Lost Technology


The term Sea Peoples describes a theory in Egyptology that a confederation of seafaring raiders attacked Ancient Egypt prior to the Bronze Age Collapse.[1][2] Since the creation of the concept in the 19th century, the various Sea Peoples have been proposed to have originated from either western Anatolia or from southern Europe.[3] Although the archaeological inscriptions do not include reference to a migration,[2] the Sea Peoples are conjectured to have sailed around the eastern Mediterranean and invaded Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age.[4]

Human populations had become stable, books, technology, power supplies, agriculture, medicine. Was on the verge of being understood once more. An industrial age was about to begin. Electricity had been remastered. Books that had been stored away for thousands of years could now be read. The 20th Century was about to begin. Here in 1175 BC.

The Sea people believed that Technology was responsible for the catastrophe of 13,000BC that wiped out all the Civilisation on the Earth. The Sea people acted as a global police force, blocking the Advancement of Mankind. They reduced the middle east to dust. And destroyed any chance of mankind progressing. More to Follow.


Who Built The Pyramids

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Who Built The Pyramids?

Some dates to remember: Source Wikipedia.

Copper Age 5000 Bc

Bronze Age: 3300-1200BC

Iron Age: 1200 BC

Giza Pyramids  Constructed: 2560-2540

According to the History books, the Pyramids were constructed in twenty years during the Bronze age. using Bronze age tools. Lets just look at some basic facts as to why this cannot be true.

The Pyramids are constructed on average using 2.6 Million x  2-5 Ton Blocks of Limestone.

2,600000 Blocks divided by 20 years = 130,000 blocks a year divided by 365 days a year = 356 blocks a day or 14 blocks an hour if they work 24/7. If they work 12 hours a day then it doubles to 28 Blocks an hour or 1 Block has to be mass produced, shipped from the quarry and placed into position every 2 minutes. Your average Floor Tiler cannot tile a kitchen floor this quick. Yet somehow we are led to believe the Egyptians could match this feat using Bronze Age Technology.

The biggest problem with the construction is the interior of the Pyramid. It is a meticulous Granite Structure with Blocks weighing as much as 500 Tonnes. They were Quarried over 822 Kilometres away in Aswan. You cannot cut Granite to this level of perfection using any known tools of the Period.

Giza Pyramid Pyramid 2 Pyramid 3





Black Knight Satellite Videos

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Black Knight Satellite Videos

Check out some of the best Black Knight Satellite videos.  You can see this stuff isnt made up.  Lots of different content by different people and agencies all show the same black object in orbit above our atmosphere.

What do you think it is?
